So, it’s finally done. Sanjay Leela Bhansali's newly christened film, Padmaavat starring Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh and Shahid Kapoor will finally release at a theatre near you. The movie title has dropped an I and gained an a, Deepika Padukone is now digitally covered in red pixels, the Supreme Court has wrapped the state governments on the knuckles, and almost alls well in Bollywood again. In addition, Akshay Kumar freaked out and moved Padman, because let’s face it, the melodramatic period film would not have borne well for his film on periods. After a much ado about a waistline and plenty of debate on the plotline, Padmaavat* is now finally releasing at a theatre close to home. While there have been controversial movies made before, whats saddening is that no one was upset or ashamed that their ancestors normalised mass suicide over self defense as an honourable death. From a supposed romantic scene between Khilji and Padmavati, to the queen was dancin...