What began as a seemingly inanane discussion, ended up placing the seed of creativity for my next post on this long neglected blog where I stop to comment on this that and a lot more on my interesting experiences of life. This post is dedicated to my four loving room mates, my closest friends for the past three years and now my family. I often wonder what life would be like without them.. Mumbai is so impersonal in its treatment of people that I feel deeply grateful to know atleast 4 people who care about my whereabouts and in whose life my presence makes a difference.
I am going to code name them Sneezy, Grumpy, Sleepy and Dopey. Two of them are tiny, but Grumpy and Sleepy though not vertically challenged quite fit the bill so we shall save them further angst. They have decided to christen me Snow White, which I personally consider quite pompous, given the fact that I had very little to do with my genetically bleached persona.. but anyway.. so it shall be...
We are quite a happy group, Snow white, 2 dwarfs and 2 confused creatures. Sleepy is a gentle being, quite content to float from one horizontal surface to another. Her Saturdays and Sundays dont begin till around noon while weekdays out of monetary compulsions have to begin by 9. While her eyelids are open and blinking she amuses us all by breaking into a long forgotten melody from an utterly forgettable film and then smiles shamelessly at out cringing faces. Of course soon we give up our pseudo intellectuality and join in to make it yet another memorable moment, rare, and precious. The other day Sleepy, sneezy and Snow sat on their window sill and sand loud tributes to Anu Malik , and enjoyed the rain drops pattering down on their feet. Grumpy was encouraged to take pictures upon which she first raised her eyebrows and then condescended to humour us as we struck various poses. Dopey on the other hand, believes in sleeping lesser everyday. She chooses to amuse herself by passing time and when the clock strikes 12 Dopey begins a marathon prayer session which involves isuing dire threats to divine beings and frowning at them like they were a bunch of annoying kids. After she completes her prayers while in the standing posture, she proceeds to sit cross legged , dopiness growing by the minute, to complete her wish list cum sermon. As a result she is a victim of constant sleep deprivation and dopiness. Much to the annoyance of Snow and her other quirky cottage mates. Sneezy, poor dwarfess/dwarf(if one has to be politically correct) has been gifted with a marvelous nose. It is special cause it is unbreakable, un twistable, insoluble, and a marvelous peice of human engineering. Sneezy and Dopey often have a conflict of interests as Dopey considers people sneezing while she is praying unlucky, and poor sneezy is practising her art around the same time post a beauty bath...atishoo atishoo.. Sneezy goes all day..the pretty freckles on the outskirts of the nasal zone must be quite disconcerted by the frequent sonic booms Sneezy emits, but yet she soldiers on, battling the not so pure air of Mumbai. Grumpy is a super woman..sorry semi dwarfess...everyday dawns with her standing in front of her loaded wardrobe grumbling baout how she has no clothes to wear. I am sure if her clothes had ears and a mind they would have needed anti depressants by now at this regular rejection. Sneezy's wardrobe is the greener grass in the other room..In fact there was a time when Sleepy was vying for the position of Grumpy so we decided that they would have their alloted days..Grumpy is an amusing being and has a plethora of reasons to be at odds with the universe..from her invisible clothes, to the insufficient ability of cheesecake, to her supposedly expanding abdomen, poor Grumpy's warm chuckle is welcome on a rainy day as the ones we have been having recently. Except for choosing to be grumpy, my semi dwarf friend is a wonderful woman who can set right inedible food, tolerate Salman weirdo Khan and enjoys working endlessly. Put all five of us together and you shall land yourself in a nest of cuckoo people.
I am going to code name them Sneezy, Grumpy, Sleepy and Dopey. Two of them are tiny, but Grumpy and Sleepy though not vertically challenged quite fit the bill so we shall save them further angst. They have decided to christen me Snow White, which I personally consider quite pompous, given the fact that I had very little to do with my genetically bleached persona.. but anyway.. so it shall be...
We are quite a happy group, Snow white, 2 dwarfs and 2 confused creatures. Sleepy is a gentle being, quite content to float from one horizontal surface to another. Her Saturdays and Sundays dont begin till around noon while weekdays out of monetary compulsions have to begin by 9. While her eyelids are open and blinking she amuses us all by breaking into a long forgotten melody from an utterly forgettable film and then smiles shamelessly at out cringing faces. Of course soon we give up our pseudo intellectuality and join in to make it yet another memorable moment, rare, and precious. The other day Sleepy, sneezy and Snow sat on their window sill and sand loud tributes to Anu Malik , and enjoyed the rain drops pattering down on their feet. Grumpy was encouraged to take pictures upon which she first raised her eyebrows and then condescended to humour us as we struck various poses. Dopey on the other hand, believes in sleeping lesser everyday. She chooses to amuse herself by passing time and when the clock strikes 12 Dopey begins a marathon prayer session which involves isuing dire threats to divine beings and frowning at them like they were a bunch of annoying kids. After she completes her prayers while in the standing posture, she proceeds to sit cross legged , dopiness growing by the minute, to complete her wish list cum sermon. As a result she is a victim of constant sleep deprivation and dopiness. Much to the annoyance of Snow and her other quirky cottage mates. Sneezy, poor dwarfess/dwarf(if one has to be politically correct) has been gifted with a marvelous nose. It is special cause it is unbreakable, un twistable, insoluble, and a marvelous peice of human engineering. Sneezy and Dopey often have a conflict of interests as Dopey considers people sneezing while she is praying unlucky, and poor sneezy is practising her art around the same time post a beauty bath...atishoo atishoo.. Sneezy goes all day..the pretty freckles on the outskirts of the nasal zone must be quite disconcerted by the frequent sonic booms Sneezy emits, but yet she soldiers on, battling the not so pure air of Mumbai. Grumpy is a super woman..sorry semi dwarfess...everyday dawns with her standing in front of her loaded wardrobe grumbling baout how she has no clothes to wear. I am sure if her clothes had ears and a mind they would have needed anti depressants by now at this regular rejection. Sneezy's wardrobe is the greener grass in the other room..In fact there was a time when Sleepy was vying for the position of Grumpy so we decided that they would have their alloted days..Grumpy is an amusing being and has a plethora of reasons to be at odds with the universe..from her invisible clothes, to the insufficient ability of cheesecake, to her supposedly expanding abdomen, poor Grumpy's warm chuckle is welcome on a rainy day as the ones we have been having recently. Except for choosing to be grumpy, my semi dwarf friend is a wonderful woman who can set right inedible food, tolerate Salman weirdo Khan and enjoys working endlessly. Put all five of us together and you shall land yourself in a nest of cuckoo people.